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Introducing our Ostrich Lasagna: a unique twist on tradition inspired by Carli’s discovery of delicious and lean ostrich meat in South Africa. Indulge in a flavorful ragù made from this savory meat, a new favorite among those who try it. Paired with green pasta to complement the rich flavors, this dish is a must-try for any culinary adventurer.    

Ingredients: ostrich mince, onion, carrot, celery, white wine, whole peeled tomatoes, tomato paste, salt, pepper, sugar, butter, flour, cow milk, green pasta, Grana Padano cheese, nutmeg, basil, extra virgin olive oil

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  2. Remove the lid and cook for approximately 30 minutes.
  3. The pasta will be ready when you see the crust on top.
  4. Let it cool down for few minutes before serving.

*If the lasagna is frozen you have two options: completely defrost it in the refrigerator before you cook it and then follow the instructions above; or put it frozen in the oven preheated at 180°C and cook it for 40 minutes or until golden.


    Regular price R 200.00
    Sale price R 200.00 Regular price
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